Letter to the Community

Library Director Antonia Krupicka Smith


Library Director

We are pleased to present Council Bluffs Public Library's FY24 Annual Report.

This past Fiscal Year has been one of great accomplishments in serving our community. Most notably the opening of the second location in Council Bluffs, the Cochran Library Kiosk. We have also updated technology to better serve the community including the replacement of the automatic materials handler and the RFID materials gates. We celebrated our 25th year on Willow and looked to the future with the completion of a 5 year strategic plan. We also continued to provide enriching and exciting programs that the community has come to love through reading programs, author visits, history programming, and technology and creative programming. I want to thank all of you for supporting and using the library and especially thank our dedicated staff, volunteers, and elected officials for all of the work to bring the great services of the library to the community. 

Read on through this annual report for more information on a snapshot of things accomplished this last fiscal year.

FY24 Annual Report