Creighton University Legal Aid Clinics

Free legal assistance on civil matters for low-income residents of Douglas County, Nebraska. The clinic, staffed by Creighton law students, operates as a small law firm.
Free legal assistance on civil matters for low-income residents of Douglas County, Nebraska. The clinic, staffed by Creighton law students, operates as a small law firm.
Providing services and assistance to victims of violent crimes, including helping victims with certain out-of-pocket expenses related to injuries from violent crime. It is funded entirely by fines and penalties paid by criminals (not by taxpayers).
The Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing (DIAL) is a multifaceted regulatory agency charged with protecting the health, safety, and well-being of Iowans.
Iowa Legal Aid provides free legal advice or representation to eligible Iowans on certain types of cases.
The Office of Ombudsman serves as an independent and impartial agency to which citizens can air their grievances about government.