Get an Account

Get a Library Account

Library accounts are issued at the library Circulation Desk on the first floor of the library. Your library account will provide you access to library materials, online content and a plethora of other services we have to offer. To sign up for a library account, bring a photo ID with a current address. If the address on your photo ID is not current, the following are examples of what could be submitted:

  • Utility Bill
  • Car Registration
  • Government Assistant Letter
  • Bank Statement or Checkbook

Individuals under 17 years of age will be issued an account after providing correct information including full name, address, phone number and parent/legal guardian name.

More information on library accounts and borrowing can be found on our Library Policies page.

Register Online

Registering online for a library account will create a temporary library account that expires 2 months after being issued. This will allow temporary access to the library’s online resources only. Access to Libby and Hoopla are available only to Council Bluffs residents, rural and unincorporated residents of Pottawattamie County, and residents of our contract communities of Crescent, McClelland, Minden, Treynor, & Underwood. Bring your photo ID with current address information to the front Circulation Desk to extend your account to full privileges and pick up your card. Iowa residents only.

Register Online

Additional Information


In addition to permanent residents of the city of Council Bluffs, free library accounts are issued to:

  • Unincorporated and rural areas of Pottawattamie County
  • Residents of Crescent, Minden, McClelland, Treynor and Underwood
  • Group homes or assisted living facilities
  • Eligible Iowa Open Access program participants
  • Residents in participating transitional, emergency, correctional, temporary, halfway or permanent group homes
  • Property owners of property located in Council Bluffs, and unincorporated and rural areas of Pottawattamie County

Photo ID and proof of address required. Individual residents in transitional, emergency, correctional, temporary or half-way housing must bring the temporary housing form on Library letterhead with a staff signature of the facility where they reside as proof of address. Non-residents, temporary residents, and others who do not qualify for a free account can purchase an account for a small fee.

Fee-Based Cards

Individuals living outside the state of Iowa may purchase a Council Bluffs Public Library account for $15.00/quarter or for one year at $60.00. For more information, contact the Circulation Desk at

Lit Student Accounts

Library Information Technology (LIT) student accounts allow students registered in the Council Bluffs Community School District and Lewis Central Community School District to have access to physical and digital resources of the Council Bluffs Public Library.  More information about LIT Student Accounts can be found here.

Non-Resident Educator Accounts

Non-resident educators working in local school districts can be issued a 1 year account. Non-resident educators must provide proof of a photo ID, proof of residence, and proof of employment to be eligible. More information for educators can be found here.

Organizations Applying for Cards

Schools, agencies, businesses or other institutions based in Pottawattamie County wishing to apply for an account must provide a written statement, signed by the responsible fiscal agent, accepting financial liability for all lost or damaged items. Additionally, the names of the individuals permitted to use the account must be listed before an account is issued. All rules, regulations and fees which apply to an individual account holder also apply to the organizational account.

Loan Periods & Item Limits

To view information about our borrowing policy along with a full list of loan periods and item limits, click here.

Account Deletion

Accounts are removed from our system if they have no outstanding transactions and they have no activity for 8 years past the expiration date.

If you would like to inquire about deleting an account, please fill out this form.