Join us for stories, songs, and fun. Most appropriate for kids ages 5 years old and younger and an adult companion. The same theme repeats throughout the week.
Are you sleeping outside, living in your car, or staying in an abandoned building?
Join us for stories, songs, and fun. Most appropriate for kids ages 5 years old and younger and an adult companion. The same theme repeats throughout the week.
Stop by the Makerspace to learn about the process of 3D Printing! Take home a 3D printed Wishbone!
This is a drop-in class. Pop by any time between 2 and 4 p.m.
Use corn kernels, baking soda, water, and vinegar to make corn kernels dance using science!
Step into a world of limitless possibilities with the Meta Quest VR! Choose from various games and apps to explore the new frontier of virtual reality. Open for patrons in the 6th-12th grades.
Monthly Planning Commision Meeting
Friends and family of author, poet, and historian Marilyn Coffey will be reading her stories and poems to honor the writer's life and work.