Discovery Pass Reservation System

The current online reservation system for Discovery Passes is ending on December 31st, 2024. We are working on implementing a new reservation system currently, but it will not be ready for use for a few weeks. Passes will not be available to reserve for dates past December 31 until our new system is in place. Please contact 712-323-7553, option 2, or email with any questions. 

The Library will be closed Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25

The Library will be closed Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25 in observance of Christmas.

Create Reservation

Note: All required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

Reservation Scheduling
Reservation Date

Start date

End date

Please account for setup and cleanup time.

Room Information
Reserving this Room

Your instructor must have already approved the Council Bluffs Public Library as a proctoring site AND must have sent the necessary proctoring instructions to

The Council Bluffs Public Libary can offer the following regarding Test Proctoring:

  • Test Proctoring when adequate personnel, facilities and technology are available.
  • Proctoring is conducted by the library staffing the Reference Desk at the time of the exam. Individual librarians are not assigned to proctor specific exams or students.
  • Library staff proctor exams from the Reference Desk; library staff observes the student while performing other tasks and assisting other patrons. If your institution requires that the student receives constant, uninterrupted observation, the Library cannot proctor your exam.
  • Exams must be completed within a half-hour before the Library closes.


Contact Information

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